Accreditation Application

A printable version of this application can be downloaded HERE and mailed to: Assn. of North American Independent Laboratories for Protective Equipment Testing, 7087 Commerce Circle, Unit B
Pleasanton, CA. 94588


All questions must be answered. If questions are not applicable, answer by “NA”. If the answer is “none”, answer by “none” On Yes/No questions, answer by “X’ in the appropriate blocks. Where space on this application form is insufficient, additional pages keyed to the appropriate question and marked “Supplemental”, should be attached to this form.

Please give particular attention to the following sections in filling out the application:

1, 2, 3 If there are two or more branches, enter name, address, telephone number, and contact person of main laboratory; list name, address, telephone number, and contact person for each branch in an added keyed supplement.

4 Under “Other”, if University, Foundation, Trade Association, etc., give name of laboratory if an integral part of the parent organization: if a wholly-owned subsidiary, give also the name and address of the parent organization.

5 (b) If you have no testing experience in one or more of the products applied for, attach a brief keyed statement of basis for qualification for testing.

6 An accreditation fee shall accompany this application. If there is more than one location, please note “exception”.

9 NAIL for PET lists the normally tested products in this section and the corresponding test standards that apply. If you test products not listed, the Accreditation Inspector will assist you if contacted.

12 Following acceptance of your application, an on-site survey and audit will be scheduled to obtain information only obtainable by such a visit. The subject of this question may be more fully explored at that time.

I. Specific Information:

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Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.