Date *
1. Name of Laboratory: *
2. Laboratory Location Address 1: *
Address 2: *
City: *
State: *
Zip: *
3. Contact Person: *
Phone Number: *
Fax Number:
Email *
4. Type of Owning Organization Sole Propreitorship Partnership Corporation Other
Name of Owning Organization
Years of Experience testing at a fixed location *
Years of experience testing via a mobile facility *
5a. Testing Experience Product 1 Choice 1 Gloves D120 F496 Sleeves D1051 F496 Blankets D1048 F479 Line Hose D1050 F478 Rubber Insulating Covers D1049 F478 Rubber Insulating Matting D178 Hot Sticks and Hot Line Tools ASTM F3121 Insulating Plastic Guards F712 Insulating Aerial Devices and Liners ANSI - A92.2 In-Service Live Line Tools IEEE - 978 Insulating Hard Hats ANSI - Z89.1 Insulating (Rubber and PVC) Shielding F1742 (PVC) F2320(Rubber) Insulating Hand Tools F1505 Portable Grounding Jumpers F2249 F855 Insulated Temporary By-Pass Jumpers F2321
Testing Experience 1. Fixed Location(Years) *
Testing Experience 1. Mobile (Years) *
5b. Testing Experience Product 2 Choice 2 Sleeves D1051 F496 Blankets D1048 F479 Line Hose D1050 F478 Rubber Insulating Covers D1049 F478 Rubber Insulating Matting D178 Hot Sticks and Hot Line Tools F711, F1825, F1826 Insulating Plastic Guards F712 Insulating Aerial Devices and Liners ANSI - A92.2 In-Service Live Line Tools IEEE - 978 Insulating Hard Hats ANSI - Z89.1 Insulating (Rubber and PVC) Shielding F1742 (PVC) F2320(Rubber) Insulating Hand Tools F1505 Portable Grounding Jumpers F2249 F855 Insulated Temporary By-Pass Jumpers F2321
Testing Experience 2. Fixed Location(Years)
Testing Experience 2. Mobile (Years)
5c. Testing Experience Product 3 Choice 3 Blankets D1048 F479 Line Hose D1050 F478 Rubber Insulating Covers D1049 F478 Rubber Insulating Matting D178 Hot Sticks and Hot Line Tools F711, F1825, F1826 Insulating Plastic Guards F712 Insulating Aerial Devices and Liners ANSI - A92.2 In-Service Live Line Tools IEEE - 978 Insulating Hard Hats ANSI - Z89.1 Insulating (Rubber and PVC) Shielding F1742 (PVC) F2320(Rubber) Insulating Hand Tools F1505 Portable Grounding Jumpers F2249 F855 Insulated Temporary By-Pass Jumpers F2321
Testing Experience 3. Fixed Location(Years)
Testing Experience 3. Mobile (Years)
5d. Testing Experience Product 4 Choice 11 Line Hose D1050 F478 Rubber Insulating Covers D1049 F478 Rubber Insulating Matting D178 Hot Sticks and Hot Line Tools F711, F1825, F1826 Insulating Plastic Guards F712 Insulating Aerial Devices and Liners ANSI - A92.2 In-Service Live Line Tools IEEE - 978 Insulating Hard Hats ANSI - Z89.1 Insulating (Rubber and PVC) Shielding F1742 (PVC) F2320(Rubber) Insulating Hand Tools F1505 Portable Grounding Jumpers F2249 F855 Insulated Temporary By-Pass Jumpers F2321
Testing Experience 4. Fixed Location(Years)
Testing Experience 3. Mobile (Years)
5e. Testing Experience Product 4 Choice 10 Rubber Insulating Covers D1049 F478 Rubber Insulating Matting D178 Hot Sticks and Hot Line Tools F711, F1825, F1826 Insulating Plastic Guards F712 Insulating Aerial Devices and Liners ANSI - A92.2 In-Service Live Line Tools IEEE - 978 Insulating Hard Hats ANSI - Z89.1 Insulating (Rubber and PVC) Shielding F1742 (PVC) F2320(Rubber) Insulating Hand Tools F1505 Portable Grounding Jumpers F2249 F855 Insulated Temporary By-Pass Jumpers F2321
Testing Experience 4. Fixed Location(Years)
Testing Experience 4. Mobile (Years)
5f. Testing Experience Product 5 Choice 9 Rubber Insulating Matting D178 Hot Sticks and Hot Line Tools F711, F1825, F1826 Insulating Plastic Guards F712 Insulating Aerial Devices and Liners ANSI - A92.2 In-Service Live Line Tools IEEE - 978 Insulating Hard Hats ANSI - Z89.1 Insulating (Rubber and PVC) Shielding F1742 (PVC) F2320(Rubber) Insulating Hand Tools F1505 Portable Grounding Jumpers F2249 F855 Insulated Temporary By-Pass Jumpers F2321
Testing Experience 5. Fixed Location(Years)
Testing Experience 5. Mobile (Years)
5g. Testing Experience Product 6 (copy) Choice 8 Hot Sticks and Hot Line Tools F711, F1825, F1826 Insulating Plastic Guards F712 Insulating Aerial Devices and Liners ANSI - A92.2 In-Service Live Line Tools IEEE - 978 Insulating Hard Hats ANSI - Z89.1 Insulating (Rubber and PVC) Shielding F1742 (PVC) F2320(Rubber) Insulating Hand Tools F1505 Portable Grounding Jumpers F2249 F855 Insulated Temporary By-Pass Jumpers F2321
Testing Experience 6. Fixed Location(Years)
Testing Experience 6. Mobile (Years)
5h. Testing Experience Product 7 Choice 7 Insulating Plastic Guards F712 Insulating Aerial Devices and Liners ANSI - A92.2 In-Service Live Line Tools IEEE - 978 Insulating Hard Hats ANSI - Z89.1 Insulating (Rubber and PVC) Shielding F1742 (PVC) F2320(Rubber) Insulating Hand Tools F1505 Portable Grounding Jumpers F2249 F855 Insulated Temporary By-Pass Jumpers F2321
Testing Experience 7. Fixed Location(Years) (copy)
Testing Experience 7. Mobile (Years) (copy)
5i. Testing Experience Product 8 Choice 6 Insulating Aerial Devices and Liners ANSI - A92.2 In-Service Live Line Tools IEEE - 978 Insulating Hard Hats ANSI - Z89.1 Insulating (Rubber and PVC) Shielding F1742 (PVC) F2320(Rubber) Insulating Hand Tools F1505 Portable Grounding Jumpers F2249 F855 Insulated Temporary By-Pass Jumpers F2321
Testing Experience 8. Fixed Location (Years)
Testing Experience 8. Mobile (Years)
5j. Testing Experience Product 9 Choice 5 In-Service Live Line Tools IEEE - 978 Insulating Hard Hats ANSI - Z89.1 Insulating (Rubber and PVC) Shielding F1742 (PVC) F2320(Rubber) Insulating Hand Tools F1505 Portable Grounding Jumpers F2249 F855 Insulated Temporary By-Pass Jumpers F2321
Testing Experience 9. Fixed Location (Years)
Testing Experience 9. Mobile (Years)
5k. Testing Experience Product 10 Choice 4 Insulating Hard Hats ANSI - Z89.1 Insulating (Rubber and PVC) Shielding F1742 (PVC) F2320(Rubber) Insulating Hand Tools F1505 Portable Grounding Jumpers F2249 F855 Insulated Temporary By-Pass Jumpers F2321
Testing Experience 10. Fixed Location (Years)
Testing Experience 10. Mobile (Years)
5l. Testing Experience Product 11 Choice 15 Insulating (Rubber and PVC) Shielding F1742 (PVC) F2320(Rubber) Insulating Hand Tools F1505 Portable Grounding Jumpers F2249 F855 Insulated Temporary By-Pass Jumpers F2321
Testing Experience 11. Fixed Location (Years)
Testing Experience 11. Mobile (Years)
5m. Testing Experience Product 12 Choice 14 Insulating Hand Tools F1505 Portable Grounding Jumpers F2249 F855 Insulated Temporary By-Pass Jumpers F2321
Testing Experience 12. Fixed Location (Years)
Testing Experience 12. Mobile (Years)
5n. Testing Experience Product 13 Choice 13 Portable Grounding Jumpers F2249 F855 Insulated Temporary By-Pass Jumpers F2321
Testing Experience 13. Fixed Location (Years)
Testing Experience 13. Mobile (Years)
5o. Testing Experience Product 14 Choice 12 Insulated Temporary By-Pass Jumpers F2321
Testing Experience 14. Fixed Location (Years)
Testing Experience 14. Mobile (Years)
Address 1:
Address 2:
13b. If owned or controlled by others, list the names and main office addresses of the parent company or organization and list all other affiliated member companies.
15. If the laboratory has previously been evaluated or accredited by other organizations, please name up to three previous accreditations: state whether accreditation has ever been denied or revoked: and what steps have been taken to correct the cause of any denial or revocation.
16. Within the five years preceding this application, has the laboratory been involved in any litigation regarding:
17. (supplemental 16) General Comments: If the laboratory wishes to submit any additional inforrnation relative to its application for accreditation, enter this information here:
II. Supplemental Information: Mail copies to: Assn. of North American Independent Laboratories for Protective Equipment Testing, 919 Adams Street, Great Bend, KS 67530.
II. 1. Organization Chart: The organization chart must show, as a minimum, names and titles of key personnel and the relationships between administration, operation, and quality control including departmentalization. [See NAIL Accreditation Criteria I (h) (iv)]
II. 2. Resumes: A resume is required for each of the key personnel named in the organization chart to show that their qualifications satisfy NAIL Accreditation Criteria 10)
II. 3. Test Equipment List: A list is required showing the available appropriate test equipment that will be used for subject or related products testing.
II. 4. Financial Information: Provide a list of trade and credit references.
Signature. The undersigned certifies that all the statements made in this application, and supplementals thereto, are true to the best of his knowledge and belief, and hereby grants permission for the Association of North American Independent Laboratories for Protective Equipment Testing to contact any persons relative to statements made herein. If granted accreditation, (Name of Laboratory) agrees to comply with the applicable procedures of the NAIL for PET Laboratory Accreditation Program.
Date: *
Signature: *
Title: *
Note: Accreditation approval shall be given or denied by the Board of Directors of NAIL for PET after review of a report submitted by the Accreditation Inspector along with the supporting documentation. If the inspector obtains any proprietary information, it shall remain confidential to the inspector unless released to the NAIL Board of Directors bythe applicant. The applicant will be informed in writing of the action of the Board